Still Not Veggie
I am asked, on a surprisingly regular basis, if I'm vegetarian. I'm not entirely sure why. It may be as a result of having some vegan recipes on my blog, but I would argue that it's a lot easier (and tastier) to make a batch of baked goods vegan than it is to give them a little injection of meat. Sirloin infused brownies, anyone? With a chocolate chip peppercorn sauce, of course..
For someone whose favourite food has been haggis since approximately the dawn of time, and who (housemates can attest) adds chorizo to almost everything (not necessarily within reason - it works with peanut butter and before you think I'm crazy just take a moment to think about chicken with a peanut satay sauce..), I seem to be asked this question a lot more than you might expect to be asked if you are vegetarian, in normal day-to-day life. Especially when you are not.
Most recently, I was quizzed on it when in the middle of delving into a chicken and prosciutto dish. It seems I just have an air of the vegetarian about me. (Air of the Vegetarian: the latest addition to my fragrance line. Earthy, root vegetable base notes paired with a delightful quinoa musk, and some fresh and fruity top notes to lighten the whole thing up. Most authentically applied by engaging in an enthusiastic food fight of vegetarian dishes only.)
Anyway, while I am a vegetable fan (veggies bROCKoli, truly.. they are totes RADish (goodbye I shall let myself out)), I do also enjoy non-vegetables. And by that I do not mean solely fruit.
Luckily for me, the cool beans at Woodall's Charcuterie did not think I was veggie, and sent me a box full of yums. I managed to restrain myself from inhaling the contents of said box in one humongous chomp, and took zeeeeeese photos. This was my attempt at communicating the deliciousness of the charcuterie selection in JPEG format (and also my attempt at a vaguely sophisticated looking deli board type situation.. judge for yourself).
As a fully fledged member of the salami army (no offence meant to anyone pls it's just because it rhymes and I like salami I am averse to confrontation okay bye), the salami was, predictably, my fave, but there was nothing I didn't like. These were deemed so extremely delicious by Madre and me that the Black Combe ham was even elevated to the lofty heights of Christmas day breakfast. An honourable feat, to say the least. Almost on par with the various swish and swanky awards they have won. Almost.

And the festive chutney also!!! Nom. Anything with 'festive' in its name is an instant win in my book, plus I adore the teeny tiny Kilner jar it came in so unbelievably much. Love you, Kilner.
I don't think you can buy the chutney (although if you can then DOOOO I'm so sad it's finished) but the rest of the range is already back on our shopping list. Yummo scrummo. My recommendation is the Cumberland salami and the Black Combe ham, however if you can't find them then really the other hams are amazing too and definitely worth trying. I also used the pancetta in a courgetti carbonara last night (recipe coming soooooon oi oi) which was blooming fantastic. Their stuff isn't cured in the same way as continental cured meats so it does taste quite different (read: delicious), and is noticeably less tough and.. leathery. Honestly, it's a lot nicer than a lot of continental ham and salami, and I genuinely suggest you try it. That is, as long as you're not vegetarian.. Thank you Woodall's! You are baes.
*All photos in this post are mine. If you wish to use any, please ask my permission and credit me! And as always, all photos are click-to-enlarge.
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